prebiotics-probiotics-future-skin-careHumans are inhabited by bacteria. Most of them are good bacteria. If we care for them, the number of microbes, which have a bad impact on our health, doesn’t increase. The microbes take over control when we overuse antibiotics and eat an unhealthy diet. Spicy food and the deficiency of natural probiotics (e.g. yogurts and pickles) and prebiotics (e.g. vegetables) are especially dangerous. Both food and cosmetic industry have noticed the danger. That’s how the idea for enriching cosmetics with probiotics and prebiotics came into being. What are the benefits of probiotics and prebiotics in cosmetics?

Probiotics in Cosmetics – Benefits

Probiotics are live and active cultures of bacteria which – through the development of proper micro flora – create an active protective barrier on the skin surface. Probiotics reduce inflammation occurring in the skin and stimulate the immune system and the production of ceramides. As a result, they reinforce the skin barrier. They naturally add elasticity and give smoothness and softness of skin. What’s more, they soothe irritations and accelerate the wound-healing process. They protect the skin from the action of sunrays and alleviate the consequences of over-exposure to the sunlight. Probiotics are cut out for irritated skin after facials, sunburnt, acne-prone and atopic skin.

Probiotic-rich cosmetics make up a group of products which contain given probiotic strains. You will find them, among others, in body shower gels, soaps, feminine wash, toothpaste, foot and hand care mists.

Prebiotics in Cosmetics – Benefits

On the other hand, prebiotics – instead of microbes – contain growth-stimulating substances. Prebiotics are used in the production of cosmetics which stimulate the beneficial micro flora on the skin surface. They deliver sensational results for sensitive, aging and acne-prone skin.

Probiotics and prebiotics play a key role in the stimulation of endurance and protection of skin from the outside factors. They are complementary.