You do not need to go to the cosmetologist every now and then to have beautiful and smooth skin. You can successfully exfoliate your face and body at home, using what you have in the fridge and kitchen cabinets. And if you’re a lazy girl, there are cosmetics ready for you at drugstores and pharmacies.
Exfoliation at home
Such a homemade scrub can be prepared with what you have in the kitchen. It will work as well (and maybe even better) than a cosmetic bought in a drugstore. If you want to exfoliate the epidermis, smooth out small wrinkles and brighten up your complexion, then you can choose from a salt sugar, lemon juice or yoghurt. Have you been struggling with cellulite for a long time? Try out a massaging using ground coffee and a firming gel. If you have sensitive and thin skin, oatmeal applied in a similar way will work well. For a better glide of the cosmetic, add olive oil, linseed oil or coconut oil to the dry ingredients.
Scrubs – ready-made
In drugstores and pharmacies, you will find cosmetics with the content of abrasive particles and nutrients. Remember to choose the right type of product to match your skin type. If you have sensitive skin with a tendency to forming spider veins, coarse products will not be the best solution, because they can be too irritating. For acne and allergy-prone skin, enzymatic peels that dissolve dead epidermis and clean the pores of the skin will be the best choice. To exfoliate normal complexion, use peels with fine grains.
Prefer a beauty salon?
However, if you prefer to give yourself into the hands of a professional, first you should get to know the methods of exfoliation in a beauty salon. You can choose from the following treatments:
- AHA acids – they brighten discolourations and make fine wrinkles shallower. This method of exfoliation requires several repetitions and enough time for skin regeneration. Such treatments are best done in autumn and winter when the skin will not be exposed to UV rays;
- Cavitation peeling – the skin is purified using ultrasound. Cavitation peeling is an excellent procedure that prepares the skin for deeper exfoliation, and when done in series, it can firm the skin and remove blackheads. Such a peeling is intended for everyone, regardless of their skin type;
- Microdermabrasion – this mechanical peel removes epidermis, reduces fine lines and brightens discolourations. A series of treatments will help in the fight against atrophic scars and deeper skin lesions. Unfortunately, microdermabrasion cannot be performed with purulent acne and severe inflammation.
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